County of Marin Health and Human Services

Substance Use Community Prevention Coalitions and Collaboratives

HHS provides infrastructure and capacity-building support to local coalitions and other community-based partnerships seeking to change community norms, policies, and laws that affect the availability, promotion, sale, and use of alcohol and other drugs to create a community environment that promotes healthy choices and reduces risk. In Marin County we prioritize community coalitions and partnerships as our primary implementation strategy.

Community coalitions are proven effective in achieving primary prevention outcomes. Like a jigsaw puzzle, each piece is important, and only when put together does the picture become clear.

The Prevention Partnership Achieves Common Goals by:

  • Establishing a shared vision for change including a common understanding of the problem and a joint approach to solving it through agreed upon actions.
  • Accomplishing a broad range of goals that reach beyond the capacity of any individual member organization.
  • Cultivating new partners and leaders to sustain our prevention efforts and impact

Alcohol, Drug and Tobacco Service Strategic Plan (2010-2015)

Get Involved with Your Local Prevention Coalitions or Collaborative

Mental Health and Substance Use Services (MHSUS) changed its name to Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (BHRS).  As such, all references in existing departmental policies and procedures to MHSUS can be understood to reference BHRS as well.